
Creativity in the workplace

In Creativity Path we provide unique spaces where individuals can discover their creative potential and learn to apply these qualities to other spheres of life. These creative qualities can be used for personal development and growth, as well as increasing resourcefulness in the professional and business fields. Hienobiz facilitates exploring new ways of thinking, solving problems and raising awareness of wider possibilities. The sessions are experiential and use a wide variety of creative art approaches that help individuals explore and realize their creativity.

Creativity coaching

We live in a time of transition and great change, which brings uncertainty to individuals, organizations and the wider system. How we deal emotionally with this uncertainty on a personal and organizational level will be supported by our ingenuity and creativity. As a coach you facilitate the transitions of your clients and this workshop offers you the opportunity to think about where else you could use art and body in your work.

Personal Development

In this personal development workshop you will become more aware of your own behavior patterns around confrontation and challenge and discover how this affects your professional life. Staying in dialogue, being clear and focused despite the tendency to fight, flee or freeze when threatened should be part of our interpersonal repertoire. In this two-day workshop, we look at psychological theory and neuroscientific research to show what gets in the way of clear communication