Creative coaching and workshops

Coaching for creatives

We help emerging artists and creative professionals transform blocks and obstacles so they can thrive creatively, personally and professionally.

We offer education, business advice, consultancy, webinars, resources and content to help you find success on your own in your creative field.

You may be a solo freelancer, a couple of art entrepreneurs, a creative company, or a non-profit organization. Perhaps you are an art student or a hobbyist thinking about going into professional practice. Maybe you’re just curious! No matter who you are or where you are in your creative practice and profession, you’ll find what you need here: the right information from the right people, a little support, a touch of irreverence and the encouragement to inspire you to your creative and business dreams.

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Our coaching helps you explore, identify and unleash your creative dreams

  1. Take your creativity to the next level.
  2. Bring a robust mindset and laser focus to your creative endeavors.
  3. Design and embrace a unique, creative career path.
  4. Overcome creative blocks and fear of failure.
  5. Stop procrastinating.
  6. Replace limiting beliefs with courage, positivity and resilience.
  7. Grow a thriving and fulfilling creative business.
  8. Struggle less, follow your creative passion, create more and enjoy life.
  9. Contribute creatively to the world.

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